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Regression Models for Categorical Dependent Variables Using Stata, Second Edition (9781597180115): J. Scott Long, Jeremy Freese

…BN-10: 1,597,180,114 ISBN-13 :978-1597180115 Edition: 2 Category of the dependent variable regression model is common, there is little text explains how to interpret this model. Categorical dependent variable of the regression model, the second edition, using Stata fill this gap, and how to adapt and explain the regression model with Stata classification data. The author also provides a set of commands, hypothesis testing and model diagnostics to…Read More

Drug Information Handbook 2012-2013: A Comprehensive Resource for All Clinicians and Healthcare Professionals: Lexi-Comp Inc.: 9781591953074

…lear, concise drug information. Lexicomp’s Drug Information Handbook is dependent on daily by clinicians everywhere to improve medication safety and improve patient care recognized by the American Pharmacists Association (APHA). The advantages of Lexicomp’s Drug Information Handbook, 20th Edition “, covers an area of ​​more than 5,500 drugs and 31 new monographs and hundreds of existing content updated. Each monograph including 37 fields of inform…Read More

Interpersonal Relationships: Professional Communication Skills for Nurses, 6e: Elizabeth C. Arnold, Kathleen Underman Boggs: 9781437709445

…rent challenges facing the settlement of relations, information and management. Enhance the spiritual life of the need to focus on the trust, sympathy and nurse their relationship with customers – all of the core part of the Joint Committee to determine the overall focus of the nursing care of patients. Show more <a href= target=_blank rel=…Read More

Medical Physiology, 2e Updated Edition: with STUDENT CONSULT Online Access, 2e (MEDICAL PHYSIOLOGY (BORON)): Walter F. Boron MD PhD, Emile L. Boulpaep MD: 9781437717532

…-13 :978-1,437,717,532 Edition: 2 “Highly commended” basic and clinical scientific classification, medical writings of the British Medical Association in 2012 race Quickly review important to highlight the entire text box to provide clinical examples of disordered physiology. To grasp difficult concepts with 800 color drawings, a balloon heading to explain the key processes. Find information easier and intuitive organization system and consistent…Read More

Practical Microsoft Office 2010 (Sam 2010 Compatible Products): June Jamrich Parsons, Dan Oja: 9780538745956

…attractive FAQs answer format, including full-color screenshots or diagrams. This textbook a powerful BookOnCD, which is a digital version of the textbook “bring the Book of Life” video, animated diagrams, software, travel, and assess opportunities classification and tracking. Students will have the opportunity to get plenty of practice with the book’s 30 projects. <a href=…Read More

The Elements of Statistical Learning: Data Mining, Inference, and Prediction, Second Edition (Springer Series in Statistics) (9780387848570): Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani, Jerome Friedman

…e learning, and bioinformatics. These tools have many common basis, but often use different terminology. This book describes a common conceptual framework in this important idea. Although this method is statistical, the emphasis is conceptual rather than mathematical. Many examples of open color graphics. This is a valuable resource for statisticians and data mining technology in scientific or industrial interest. The coverage of this book is very…Read More

Data Mining with R: Learning with Case Studies (Chapman & Hall/CRC Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Series): Luis Torgo: 9781439810187

…dditional packages make R an excellent alternative to many existing and often expensive data mining tools. Explore from a doctor’s point of view, this aspect of data mining with R: learning with case studies, practical examples to illustrate the power of R and data mining. Assuming no prior knowledge of R or data mining / statistical techniques, this book covers the goals of a group of different sizes and types of data, analysis, and analysis tool…Read More

2009 International Building Code: International Code Council: 9781580017251

…buildings system design and installation requirements. It provides valuable structural, fire and life safety requirements covered by the export requirements of interior decoration, roof, earthquake engineering, building an innovative technology, and occupancy classification. Broad-based content development context, the principle of promoting the use of new materials and architectural design, and anyone seeking a strong working knowledge of buildin…Read More

Microsoft Project 2010 (Microsoft Official Academic Course): Microsoft Official Academic Course: 9780470638880

…tures enhanced version, as well as many other enhancements, designed to strengthen the skills of its workforce. In addition, enhanced animation tutorial Willie desktop version and WileyPLUS courses, textbooks include additional materials, different skill levels, in order to help users keep up. Veolia the WileyPlus and office automation the assigned grade students, each task, providing immediate feedback to help users practice and hone skills in th…Read More

Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology, 3e (Neville, Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology): Brad W. Neville, Douglas D. Damm, Carl Allen, Jerry E. Bouquot, Brad Neville DDS, Douglas D. Damm DDS, Carl M. Allen DDS MSD, Jerry Bouquot DDS MSD: 9781416034353

…istaken for the clinical and microscopic features of lichen planus. The forensic dentistry chapter has been thoroughly revised and updated leading forensic dentistry, Dr. Edward Herschaft in this fascinating topic, including the latest information. Several chapters have been updated, including knowledge of the the latest specific gene mutations associated with hereditary oral disease. Show more <a href=…Read More