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AIS In Focus - How To Provide Relevant And Reliable Accounting Information
Jon Bergsma, 2020

ISBN10: n/a    ISBN13: 9789490957193

This extensive book on accounting information systems aims to tell you almost everything there is to know about this subject. It can be used as a source of information for educational purposes or for those that work as a controller or auditor or aspire to become one. The information flowing from accounting information systems has multiple purposes. Managers use accounting information to improve the quality of their decision making and control the outcome of their decisions. Employees need all kinds of information to do their jobs. Shareholders need the information to evaluate the performance of the board, and so on. There are many others who may be interested in the accounting information of an organization. This in itself already shows you how difficult it can be to decide how the output of an accounting information system for a particular organization should look like. All the parties that have an interest in the information flowing out of an accounting information system have in common that they want the information to be both relevant and reliable. This book covers the many choices that organizations have to make for the design, implementation, and control of their accounting information systems. The book consists of 34 chapters containing concepts of theory, examples, and assignments. --

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