Business Communication
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Kitty O. Locker, 2023
ISBN10: n/a ISBN13: 9781266077425
"We have worked hard to update Business Communication from its 12th edition to its 13th. We have added new content that instructors have asked for, such as examples of business plans and sales proposals and elaborated discussion of social media use for business. We've updated content, particularly in relation to communication during the COVID-19 pandemic. We have painstakingly cut repetitious content, streamlining each section within each chapter so that it makes its point clearly and efficiently. We have also reorganized, regrouping like with like, so that students can more readily find the content they need. We've also used singular they, them, and their as generic third-person pronouns when the pronoun referent is indefinite (for example, everyone) and when a person's gender is unknown, in accordance with APA style. And we've simplified the page layout, eliminating unnecessary design elements, such as horizontal lines before and after bulleted lists. In short, we have overhauled the textbook to create a modernized and elegant 13th edition"--