Upper Mantle Heterogeneities From Active And Passive Seismology
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K. Fuchs, 1997
ISBN10: 079234877X ISBN13: n/a
600 km giving insight into the 3D structure of the upper mantle. These data are confronted with the requirements of the CTBT for 3D regional seismic models of the lithosphere-asthenosphere system. The two primary purposes of the present work are, first, to present these seismic observations on super long-range profiles in digitised format, using peaceful nuclear explosions (PNE) in the former USSR, and, second, to present the joint thoughts of experts from the deep seismic sounding (DSS) and the comprehensive test ban treaty (CTBT) communities. Implications for petrological and other earth science disciplines are presented. Audience: The CTBT community and earth scientists interested in the 3D structure of the lithosphere-asthenosphere system.