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ISBN10: n/a ISBN13: 9788120353190
Transportation planning plays a key role as a lifeline for any society. It comprises applications of science and art, where a great deal of judgment coupled with its technical elements is required to arrive at a meaningful decision in order to develop transportation infrastructure facilities for the community. It, thereby, helps in achieving a safer, faster, comfortable, convenient, economical, sustainable and environment-friendly movement of people and goods traffic. In this context, the book has been written, and now updated in the second edition dealing with the basic principles and fundamentals of transportation planning. It also keeps abreast of the current techniques practices and policies conducted in transportation planning. Exploiting a systematic approach avoiding prolixity, this book will prove to be a vade mecum for the undergraduate and postgraduate students of civil engineering and transportation engineering. Besides, the book is of immense benefit to the students opting a course on Mater of Planning conducted in various institutes. HIGHLIGHTS OF THE BOOK Systematically organised concepts well-supported with ample illustrations Prodigious illustrative figures and tables Chapter-end summary helps in grasping the quirk concepts State-of-the-art data garnered in the book presents an updated version Chapter-end review questions help students to prepare for the examination NEW TO THE SECOND EDITION Provides Fuzzy Logic, Artificial Neural Network and Neuro Fuzzy Model techniques (Chapter 4) Incorporates the formation of travel demand model with soft computing techniques including trip generation model (Chapter 5) Provides a practical approach of calibrating Origin Destination Matrix (Chapter 6) Incorporates the concept of mode choice models with a number of worked-out examples (Chapter 7) Provides a case study on mobility plan of Gandhinagar, Gujarat, demonstrating the development of all stages of transport modelling (Chapter 11) Includes a new appendix on "Applications of Soft Computing in Trip Distribution and Traffic Assignment"