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Convict's Captive Book Three
Paul Blades, 2014

ISBN10: n/a    ISBN13: 9781937335113

Blackjack Jackson and his prisoner are on the move. Jack hopes that his luck will not run out as he makes his way to New Mexico for a rendezvous with his brother Rogues. But when he gets there, what then? Will they welcome him as a hero or as a vagabond orphan? Will they help him flee to Mexico or will they betray him rather than risk bringing the FBI down on their heads? And what will he do with the girl? One thing he knows, if she becomes an inconvenience instead of a tasty treat he'll find a nice quiet place for her eternal rest. And for Carly, how long can she exist on a razor's edge? Driven by demons deep within her, she cannot resist her captor's lustful demands, all the while praying and hoping for rescue from her dreadful plight.

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