Anaerobiosis And Stemness - An Evolutionary Paradigm For Therapeutic Applications
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Zoran Ivanovic, 2015
ISBN10: n/a ISBN13: 9780128005408
Anaerobiosis and Stemness: An evolutionary paradigm provides a context for understanding the many complexities and evolutionary features of stem cells and the clinical implications of anaerobiosis stem cells. Combining theoretical and experimental knowledge, the authors provide a broad understanding of how the absence or low concentration of oxygen can play an influential role in the maintenance and self-renewal of stem cells and stem cell differentiation. This understanding has clinical implications for the fields of regenerative medicine, cancer biology and transplantation, as well as cell engineering and cell therapy. Anaerobiosis and Stemness is an important resource for stem cell and developmental biologists alike, as well as oncologists, cancer biologists, and researchers using stem cells for regeneration. Highlights the molecular and evolutionary features of stem cells which make them so important to all biological research Explores methods of isolation, characterization, activation, and maintenance of stem cells Includes models for clinical application in regenerative medicine, cancer therapy, and transplantation