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Python 3.4.3: /usr/bin/python3
Tue Jan 7 02:16:19 2025

A problem occurred in a Python script. Here is the sequence of function calls leading up to the error, in the order they occurred.

 /var/www/html/py/script.py in ()
     30 isbne = "9780446310789"
     31 bibtex = bibformatters["bibtex"]
=>   32 print(bibtex(meta(isbne, "goob")))
     34 try:
builtin print = <built-in function print>, bibtex = <function <lambda>>, meta = <function meta>, isbne = '9780446310789'
 /usr/local/lib/python3.4/dist-packages/isbnlib/_ext.py in meta(isbn='9780446310789', service='goob')
     23 def meta(isbn, service='default'):
     24     """Get metadata from Google Books ('goob'), Open Library ('openl'), ..."""
=>   25     return query(isbn, service) if isbn else {}
global query = <function query>, isbn = '9780446310789', service = 'goob'
 /usr/local/lib/python3.4/dist-packages/isbnlib/dev/_decorators.py in memoized_func(*args=('9780446310789', 'goob'), **kwargs={})
     25             return cch[key]
     26         else:
=>   27             value = func(*args, **kwargs)
     28             if value:
     29                 cch[key] = value
value undefined, func = <function query>, args = ('9780446310789', 'goob'), kwargs = {}
 /usr/local/lib/python3.4/dist-packages/isbnlib/_metadata.py in query(isbn='9780446310789', service='goob')
     30         LOGGER.critical('%s is not a valid service', service)
     31         raise NotRecognizedServiceError(service)
=>   33     meta = services[service](isbn)
     34     return meta or {}
meta undefined, services = {'default': <function query>, 'goob': <function query>, 'openl': <function query>, 'wiki': <function query>}, service = 'goob', isbn = '9780446310789'
 /usr/local/lib/python3.4/dist-packages/isbnlib/_goob.py in query(isbn='9780446310789')
     70 def query(isbn):
     71     """Query the Google Books (JSON API v1) service for metadata."""
=>   72     data = wquery(SERVICE_URL.format(isbn='isbn:' + isbn), user_agent=UA)
     73     if not data:
     74         # some times this work (see #119)
data undefined, global wquery = <function query>, global SERVICE_URL = 'https://www.googleapis.com/books/v1/volumes?q={i...yIdentifiers,description,imageLinks)&maxResults=1', SERVICE_URL.format = <built-in method format of str object>, isbn = '9780446310789', user_agent undefined, global UA = 'isbnlib (gzip)'
 /usr/local/lib/python3.4/dist-packages/isbnlib/dev/webquery.py in query(url='https://www.googleapis.com/books/v1/volumes?q=is...yIdentifiers,description,imageLinks)&maxResults=1', user_agent='isbnlib (gzip)', data_checker=None, parser=<function loads>, throttling=1)
     62     throttling=THROTTLING,
     63 ):
     64     """Put call and return the data from the web service."""
=>   65     wq = WEBQuery(url, user_agent, throttling)
     66     return wq.parse_data(parser) if wq.check_data(data_checker) else {}
wq undefined, global WEBQuery = <class 'isbnlib.dev.webquery.WEBQuery'>, url = 'https://www.googleapis.com/books/v1/volumes?q=is...yIdentifiers,description,imageLinks)&maxResults=1', user_agent = 'isbnlib (gzip)', throttling = 1
 /usr/local/lib/python3.4/dist-packages/isbnlib/dev/webquery.py in __init__(self=<isbnlib.dev.webquery.WEBQuery object>, service_url='https://www.googleapis.com/books/v1/volumes?q=is...yIdentifiers,description,imageLinks)&maxResults=1', ua='isbnlib (gzip)', throttling=1)
     30         sleep(wait)
     31         self.url = service_url
=>   32         self.data = webservice.query(service_url, ua)
     33         WEBQuery.T[srv] = timestamp()
self = <isbnlib.dev.webquery.WEBQuery object>, self.data undefined, global webservice = <module 'isbnlib.dev.webservice' from '/usr/loca...thon3.4/dist-packages/isbnlib/dev/webservice.py'>, webservice.query = <function query>, service_url = 'https://www.googleapis.com/books/v1/volumes?q=is...yIdentifiers,description,imageLinks)&maxResults=1', ua = 'isbnlib (gzip)'
 /usr/local/lib/python3.4/dist-packages/isbnlib/dev/_decorators.py in memoized_func(*args=('https://www.googleapis.com/books/v1/volumes?q=is...yIdentifiers,description,imageLinks)&maxResults=1', 'isbnlib (gzip)'), **kwargs={})
     45             return cch[key]
     46         else:
=>   47             value = func(*args, **kwargs)
     48             if value:
     49                 cch[key] = value
value undefined, func = <function query>, args = ('https://www.googleapis.com/books/v1/volumes?q=is...yIdentifiers,description,imageLinks)&maxResults=1', 'isbnlib (gzip)'), kwargs = {}
 /usr/local/lib/python3.4/dist-packages/isbnlib/dev/webservice.py in query(url='https://www.googleapis.com/books/v1/volumes?q=is...yIdentifiers,description,imageLinks)&maxResults=1', user_agent='isbnlib (gzip)', values=None, appheaders=None)
    111         appheaders=appheaders,
    112     )
=>  113     data = service.data()
    114     LOGGER.debug('Raw data from service:\n%s', data)
    115     return data
data undefined, service = <isbnlib.dev.webservice.WEBService object>, service.data = <bound method WEBService.data of <isbnlib.dev.webservice.WEBService object>>
 /usr/local/lib/python3.4/dist-packages/isbnlib/dev/webservice.py in data(self=<isbnlib.dev.webservice.WEBService object>)
     91     def data(self):
     92         """Return the uncompressed data."""
=>   93         res = self.response()
     94         LOGGER.debug('Response headers:\n%s', res.info())
     95         if res.info().get('Content-Encoding') == 'gzip':
res undefined, self = <isbnlib.dev.webservice.WEBService object>, self.response = <bound method WEBService.response of <isbnlib.dev.webservice.WEBService object>>
 /usr/local/lib/python3.4/dist-packages/isbnlib/dev/webservice.py in response(self=<isbnlib.dev.webservice.WEBService object>)
     68             if e.code in (401, 403, 429):
     69                 raise ISBNLibHTTPError('%s Are you making many requests?' %
=>   70                                        e.code)
     71             if e.code in (502, 504):
     72                 raise ISBNLibHTTPError('%s Service temporarily unavailable!' %
e undefined

ISBNLibHTTPError: an HTTP error has ocurred (429 Are you making many requests?)
      args = ('429 Are you making many requests?',)
      message = 'an HTTP error has ocurred (429 Are you making many requests?)'
      with_traceback = <built-in method with_traceback of ISBNLibHTTPError object>

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