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Florida History Makers: Our Regions, Our Country, Our World: Teacher Edition Kim Mogilevsky, 2022
ISBN10: n/a    ISBN13: 9781956111323

Analytic Orange provides a comprehensive social studies textbook teacher edition. We strategically select research-based teaching and learning methodologies to provide the maximum benefit to students and teachers. Everything we do ensures the most inclusive, high-quality curriculum. The Teacher Edition equips educators with detailed step-by-step lesson plans and Slideshare presentations that include: *The C3 Framework is organized into Four Dimensions to support the inquiry and learning process. *Analytic Orange organizes the latest research on academic rigor and relevance. A combination of Daggett's Rigor & Relevance Framework, Webb's Depth of Knowledge, and Bloom's Revised Taxonomy is used to level questions, activities, and assessments.*Hattie's Effect Size - John Hattie Ph.D. is an educational researcher and former professor. *All strategies are research- based, high-yield/high-probability, evidence-based tools with a measurable effect size of 0.40 or higher. *Frameworks are developed using the Understanding by Design methodology by Wiggins & McTighe. *Scope & Sequence documents furnish educators with a detailed look at lesson summaries, social studies, and ELA standards coverage. Analytic Orange's expert reviewers are from different backgrounds, ethnicities, and cultures and review our publications to ensure we get the stories right, told respectfully and empathetically.

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