Dentistry In A Nutshell - A Practical Guide To Clinical Dentistry

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Nicola Z Gore, 2021
ISBN10: n/a ISBN13: 9781919626000
Product description A step-by-step guide covering the most common procedures within advanced clinical dentistry, ranging from simple to complex. This book breaks these down into concise step by step instructions and ensures your confidence at every stage. This daily handbook contains over 100 flowcharts and illustrations in 15 chapters: 1. History and Examination 2. Dental Emergency 3. Swellings 4. Trauma 5. Oral Medicine 6. Periodontology 7. Endodontics 8. Restorative Dentistry 9. Bridges 10. Crowns/Onlays 11. Post and Cores 12. Removal Prosthodontics 13. Cosmetic Dentistry 14. Paediatric Dentistry 15. Oral Surgery Why Dentistry in a Nutshell? This book is unique because it works perfectly both as a practical clinical guide and as a source of revision material. It is applicable as a guiding tool in clinical scenarios and also as a concise and informative breakdown of the core fundamentals of dentistry. Just turn to the relevant chapter and follow the flow chart on the left side of the page for a succinct step by step breakdown - for further elaboration refer to the boxes on the right side. Who is this book for? This book will benefit: Dental students Dental Core Trainees transitioning back to general practice Junior dentists About the Authors Dr. Nicola Z Gore (BDS MCLINDENT (PROSTHODONTICS - LONDON) MJDF RCS PGCERT MEDICAL/DENTAL EDUCATION) Alongside starting and running two practices, she trains future generations of dentists as part of her role as a DFT trainer and has now trained 21 successful dentists. Teaching is one of Dr Gore's greatest passions. Always staying up to date with the latest evidence, she utilises this by regularly lecturing for SmileAcademy UK. Dr. Raabiha Maan - BDS (U.Lond) Hons (2014) She has attended multiple training courses to ensure her practice remains up to date and evidence based. Teaching is one of her greatest joys and she regularly lectures at UK dental schools and delivers online webinars. Dr Maan is a mentor to the younger generation of dentists and has been a DFT trainer since 2016