Wakatta! Course Book

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Wakatta! Course Book
David Jaffray, 1999
ISBN10: n/a    ISBN13: 9781864413328

Wakatta! has been written for senior high school students continuing their study of Japanese. The course is constructed around key topic area s. It is designed to develop essential skills for effective oral and wri tten communication in Japanese. Wakatta! covers two years' study and can be used as the core component of any senior high school course. The Wakatta! Course integrates three resources: a Course Bo ok of twelve well-balanced units of work, each of which includes essenti al vocabulary, kanji characters, reading texts, explanations of language patterns and consolidation of the topic area two workbooks wit h wide range of activities and exercises in reading, writing, speaking, listening, grammar and kanji as well as puzzles, role-plays and dialogue s 7 audio tapes featuring oral texts and listening exercises Wakatta! is user-friendly, student focused and has several o utstanding features: comprehensive, straightforward explana tions of Japanese language structure with numerous examples gra ding of listening exercises into three levels to cater foe all abilities an extensive variety of activities to make learning practical and exciting Kanji organised into each topic unit

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