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Behavioral Neuroscience
S. Marc Breedlove, 2017

ISBN10: n/a    ISBN13: 9781605354187

Behavioral Neuroscience, Eighth Edition reveals the fascinating relationships between the brain and behavior. It offers a broad perspective, encompassing cutting edge neuroscience, lucid descriptions of behavior, evolutionary and developmental perspectives, and clinical applications of research. The authors have striven in the latest revision to lay bare the neuroscience concepts underlying behavior with concision and clarity. Special Features: Learning is supported by hundreds of original illustrations that make it easy to understand structures, mechanisms, and processes in the brain Every chapter includes a special feature called The Cutting Edge that highlights an up-to-the-moment discovery or technical innovation, while illustrating the logic and methodology of experimentation and hypothesis testing Each chapter ends with a unique feature, the Visual Summary, a poster-like layout that provides a graphical review of the major topics of the chapter and directs students to the figures and online animations that reinforce each point. The text is supported by a rich array of internet-based resources. Over 500 new citations keep the text current Thorough and reader-friendly, Behavioral Neuroscience, Eighth Edition

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