Writing About Literature - Second Edition - A Guide For The Student Critic

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Writing About Literature - Second Edition - A Guide For The Student Critic
W.F. Garrett-Petts, 2013
ISBN10: n/a    ISBN13: 9781551117430

Writing about Literature introduces students to critical reading and writing through a thorough and engaging discussion of the field, but also through exercises, interviews, exemplary student and scholarly essays, and visual material. It offers students an insiders guide to the language, issues, approaches, styles, assumptions, and traditions that inform the writing of successful critical essays, and aims to make student writers a part of the world of professional literary criticism. Much of the discussion is structured around ways to analyze and respond to a single work, Stephen Cranes story The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky. This second edition is updated throughout and includes a new chapter on Reading and Writing About Poetry; the chapter uses Robert Kroetschs poem This Part of the Country as the unit of analysis and includes an interview with the poet about his process.

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