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Horngren's Financial Accounting Tracie L. Nobles, 2015
ISBN10: n/a    ISBN13: 9781486021079

Success in Accounting starts here! Horngren's Financial Accounting presents the core content of an accounting fundamentals course in an effective and modern format designed to help today's learners succeed. Students learn, within an Australian business context, how financial decision-making is based on accurate and complete accounting information. Clear and consistent explanations of how and why accepted accounting concepts and techniques are used, to ensure students understand what they are reading. Explore the interactive brochure The innovative digital learning resources which accompany Horngren's Financial Accounting provide most effective way to learn and practice the fundamentals of accounting anytime, anywhere. The eighth edition is accurate and up-to-date, is guided by extensive research and review feedback, and incorporates the very latest Australian Accounting Standards. The new author team has focused on clarity, consistency and accuracy within the content. New and improved learning tools and resources enable educators to help students both inside and outside the classroom. Pearson recommends including MyAccountingLab with your purchase. MyAccountingLab is designed to work with the text and is the perfect way to engage each student effectively, by providing innovative multimedia and content online. This effective learning system integrates quizzes, homework and adaptive learning tools with a complete eText version of this text.

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