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Science Fiction, Compact Edition Heather Masri, 2014
ISBN10: n/a    ISBN13: 9781457674464

Although excellent collections of science fiction abound, few have been prepared expressly for classroom use. Like its comprehensive predecessor, this compact version of Heather Masris widely praised anthology Science Fiction: Stories and Contexts is designed to introduce students to some of the genres major works, authors, themes, and contexts. International and diverse, canonical and recent, the judiciously chosen stories are chronologically arranged within chapters that represent six central themes of science fiction. The books unique pedagogical features are critical and contextual documents that illuminate the stories and themes, with editorial apparatus that encourages students to think and write critically about how the genre reflects and affects culture. To expand teaching options, instructors resources provide additional stories and pedagogical advice, while the TradeUp packaging option makes further works of science fiction available at a discount.

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