Technical Analysis Is Mostly Bullshit - Why Flipping A Coin Is A Better Strategy Than Using Technical Analysis In The Financial, Stock, And Forex Markets

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Tim Morris,
ISBN10: n/a ISBN13: 9781393780168
What If Technical Analysis Is a Lie? Something That Doesn't Work and Never Has... Look at all the courses on the internet claiming you will be a millionaire from using Technical Analysis! How someone with just $500 in their bank account made a $100,000 in 3 days. And all you have to do is look for a pattern on a chart and follow their advice. Seem too good to be true... that's because it is! Hi, my name is Tim Morris. I've been trading stocks for many years, and have a great bit of experience in the markets. I'm here today to cut through the lies, and give you the cold hard truth about technical analysis. The truth other "educators" won't tell you. The truth you deserve to know. That technical analysis is complete bullshit! Here's What You'll Learn In This Book: Introduction: My Story - Before the book begins, I share with you my own roller coaster experience with technical analysis, and how I stumbled upon the information that I reveal in this book. The information that confirmed my suspicions that technical analysis is, and always has been, bullshit. Chapter 1: Analyzing the Markets - First we go over the main ways traders are taught how to analyze the markets and make money in stocks. This would include both fundamental and technical analysis, as well as a few other hypotheses that have been proposed about how the stock market operates. Chapter 2: Classic Technical Analysis - In this chapter, I explain the way classic technical analyze is taught to traders in books, video courses, and subscription services across the web. This includes: Patterns - Cup and Handle, Head and Shoulders, Flags, Triangles, Double Tops, and Many More Indicators - RSI, MACD, Stochastics, Moving Averages, Bollinger Bands, Divergence, Volume Tools - Fibonacci Retracement, Fibonacci Projection, and Elliott Wave Theory Chapter 3: The Issues - This is the heart of the book and where I really lay down the hammer. I go over the many flaws that are brazenly apparent in the technical analysis theory, that you've likely never heard of. Can TA really be used in all time frames? Does TA really work in all financial markets? Has anyone actually made their money with TA? Have the inventors of TA indicators actually made money with their own indicators? I reference charts, statistics, and studies, as well as expert testimonial from PhD economists and other traders in the field. *Warning* You will be shocked and stunned by what is revealed in this chapter. Chapter 4: The Verdicts - In the last chapter, we go over the final verdicts of each technical analysis tool brought up previously in the book. I explain which tools are worthless, which are plausible, and which actually work. Notice I said mostly bullshit. There are a couple useful tools! Bonus Chapter: Japanese Candlesticks As a complimentary bonus, only for book buyers, you'll receive my special report titled Crush the Market! This report goes over 18 beneficial tips I have learned throughout my trading career that will help keep your account profitable in the stock market. This report is not sold to the general public, and only available to buyers of this book I wish I knew all this information years ago. No where else on the web will you find what I reveal in this book Experienced chartist or brand new trader, everyone will learn new information in this book. Click the "Buy Now" button at the top of the page and get your copy right now!