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Race, Class, and Gender - Intersections and Inequalities
Patricia Hill Collins, 2019

ISBN10: n/a    ISBN13: 9781337685054

Timely, relevant and extremely student-friendly, Andersen/Hill Collins' RACE, CLASS, AND GENDER: INTERSECTIONS AND INEQUALITIES, 10th edition, equips you with a multidimensional perspective on today's social issues. Written by two leading authorities in the field, this classic anthology uses a diverse collection of writings by a variety of scholars to demonstrate how the complex intersection of people's race, class, gender and sexuality shapes their experiences in U.S. society. Professors Andersen and Hill Collins begin each section with in-depth introductions to provide an analytical framework for understanding social inequality. Completely up- to-date, the readings cover current--and often controversial topics-- including undocumented students, myths about immigrant crime, growing inequality, the role of social media in social movement mobilization, health care inequality and more.

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