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Human Services in Contemporary America
William R. Burger, 2017

ISBN10: n/a    ISBN13: 9781305966840

Reflecting the latest policies and practices, HUMAN SERVICES IN CONTEMPORARY AMERICA, 10th Edition delivers a thorough examination of human services -- providing students with an insightful, realistic portrayal of the field. Using a unique multidisciplinary approach, the book offers a complete overview of the helping field, its available programs, and the practical skills workers can employ. It also illustrates how recent governmental policy shifts affect the way human services professionals work. The text is renowned for the way it presents the history and practice of human services through the lens of a social problems and policy perspective. Throughout, the author helps readers understand how social, economic, and political issues affect human service workers as well as the people they serve. Practical and relevant, the text is packed with captivating examples of human services work across the country and offers insightful information on selected careers within the field. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.

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