Personal Nutrition

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Personal Nutrition
Marie A. Boyle, 2015
ISBN10: n/a    ISBN13: 9781305110427

Become a smarter consumers with PERSONAL NUTRITION, Ninth Edition. Engaging and accessible, Boyle provides a solid grounding in fundamental nutritional principles and how to apply them to make informed, healthy choices. The Ninth Edition is thoroughly updated to reflect the latest research, recommendations, and current trends and issues. It also features new and revised illustrations, photographs, examples, and learning objectives to make material even more timely, relevant, and compelling for today's learners. The text is also now supported by MindTap, the most engaging and customizable online solution in nutrition that combines readings, multimedia, assessments, activities, and access to Diet & Wellness Plus. Overall, Boyle offers meaningful context, real-world examples, and practical advice to help students make smart decisions regarding their own nutrition and health. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.

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