Introduction To Health Care Management

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Introduction To Health Care Management
Sharon B. Buchbinder, 2025
ISBN10: n/a    ISBN13: 9781284276107

Covering a range of healthcare settings, Introduction to Health Care Management, Fifth Edition provides a solid orientation to management in the health care discipline. Written for students just entering the field, this reader friendly text is filled with examples designed to engage the reader's imagination, while addressing the important issues in healthcare management, such as ethics, cost management, strategic planning and marketing, information technology, human resources, and more.The new Fifth Edition integrates population health and information management throughout and offers new coverage of artificial intelligence (AI), the lasting impact of COVID 19, and concepts and issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). Many of the cases and exercises are new or significantly updated to reflect current healthcare management challenges, while research resources and references have been updated throughout. Key Features: - Extensively updated with new information and data while chapter organization remains consistent to prior edition.- New and updated examples and case studies cover an assortment of healthcare management topics in a wide variety of settings.- Unparalleled instructors' resources include updated test banks now with short essay questions and answer rationales, PowerPoint presentation slides, and instructor manual with discussion questions, sample syllabi, and more. - A case study guide, with rubrics for evaluation of student performance, enable instructors at every level of experience to hit the ground running on that first day of class- Navigate Advantage Access, included with the text, provides access to a comprehensive and interactive eBook, student practice activities and assessments, and more.

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