Microbiology Experiments: A Health Science Perspective

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Microbiology Experiments: A Health Science Perspective
John Kleyn, 2021
ISBN10: n/a    ISBN13: 9781264341931

"A microbiology laboratory is valuable because it actually gives you a chance to see and study microorganisms firsthand. In addition, it provides you with the opportunity to learn the special techniques used to study and identify these organisms. The ability to make observations, record data, and analyze results is useful throughout life. It is very important to read the scheduled exercises before coming to class so that class time can be used efficiently. It is helpful to ask yourself the purpose of each step as you are reading and carrying out the steps of the experiment. Sometimes it will be necessary to read an exercise several times before it makes sense. Conducting experiments in microbiology laboratories is particularly gratifying because the results can be seen in a day or two (as opposed, for instance, to plant genetics laboratories, which can take months). Opening the incubator door to see how your cultures grew and the results of the experiment is a pleasurable moment. We hope you enjoy your experience with microorganisms as well as acquire laboratory and critical thinking skills that will be valuable in the future"--

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