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Child, family, school, community - socialization and support
Roberta Berns, 2013

ISBN10: n/a    ISBN13: 9781111830960

The best-selling CHILD, FAMILY, SCHOOL, COMMUNITY: SOCIALIZATION AND SUPPORT, now in its Ninth Edition, offers an excellent introduction to socialization that is grounded in a powerful conceptual framework--Urie Bronfenbrenner's Bioecological Model of Human Development. Examining how the school, family, and community influence children's socialization, this text addresses complex issues in a clear, comprehensive fashion. Students enjoy reading the book and appreciate its narrative drive, meaningful and timely examples, and effective pedagogy. A sensitive presentation of diversity issues includes matters related to culture, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, and special needs. Updated throughout, this edition features a stronger emphasis on NAEYC and DAP standards as well as new information on diversity in all forms, technology and the impact of media, bullying, and other topics. A complete supplements package, including videos that depict actual classroom settings, supports instructors and students. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.

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