World Of Resorts - From Development To Management

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Chuck Y. Gee, 2010
ISBN10: n/a ISBN13: 9780866123464
"In the case of classic hotels, development and management funcitons are generally treated as separate subjects. Resorts are different. The resort business is built on the fulfillment of dreams and desires, while classic hotels focus on necessity and convenience in serving business travelers. Resort development is not a one-time activity, ending with the opening of the resort, but is rather an ongoing process and a planning responsibility of management on behalf of ownership. The variables of a resort are many. A resort's products go beyond the simple provision of lodging, food, and beverage - although these hospitality basics must not only be provided, but given special attention by resorts. Each variable - type and scope of resort, location, seasonlity, range of recreation and amenities, forms of ownership, and other development-related aspects - will have a significant effect on the work of management. Becuase resorts cater to the leisure traveler, whose wants are diverse and fluid, so management must constantly keep abreast of emerging trends that shape guest preferences and create market appeal. Continual reinvestment in the resort plant or investment into new ROI projects is the price of competition in the resort world. Successful resorts, whether a single resort estate or an entire destination, remain perpetual works in progress. Managers who understand the development process will have greater appreciation of the reinvestment costs required to keep a resort attractive enough to retain current guests and gain new ones"--Page xiii