Introduction To Hydrology

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Introduction To Hydrology
Warren Viessman, 2003
ISBN10: n/a    ISBN13: 9780673993373

For students who expect to become involved in programs that are concerned with the development, management and protection of water resources. The 5th Edition of Introduction to Hydrology has been redesigned to better acquaint future water engineers, scientists and managers with the basic elements of the hydrologic cycle. Its focus is on presenting the principles of hydrology in the context of their application to real-world problems. The book identifies data sources, introduces statistical analyses in the context of hydrologic problem-solving, covers the components of the hydrologic budget, discusses hydrograph analysis and routing, and introduces groundwater hydrology, urban hydrology, hydrologic models and hydrologic design. Many solved examples and problems serve to amplify the concepts presented in the text. Computer applications are discussed and appropriate Web addresses are provided.

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