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Canadian Politics Nelson Education Limited, 2020
ISBN10: n/a    ISBN13: 9780176883881

For more than 30 years, Canadian Politics: Critical Approaches has presented the reality of Canadian government and politics in a comprehensive yet lean and readable manner. It provides the tools and foundational knowledge to help students become better informed, more involved, and more critical citizens. Students will be deeply engaged in the clash of interests from which Canadian political activity has stemmed and will be equally fascinated by topics related to political culture, the mass media, public opinion, elections, and advocacy groups that will introduce them to the vibrant and dynamic world of Canadian politics. Change in recent years both from within Canada and outside its borders challenges some of the foundational assumptions of modern liberal democracy. The new ninth edition emphasizes two themes: the relative stability of Canada's political institutions in the face of rapidly changing social, economic, and international environments, and the political decisions that are necessary to guarantee the perseverance of Canada's values, country, and system of government.

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