Reading, Writing, And Learning In ESL - A Resource Book For Teaching K-12 English Learners
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Suzanne F. Peregoy, 2022
ISBN10: n/a ISBN13: 9780137535477
"Our purpose in this edition remains the same as previous editions - we wish to open a window on classrooms in which multilingual learners are actively and successfully involved in learning about themselves, their classmates, and the world around them. In these classrooms, students often pursue engaging and interesting topics; use oral and written English to discuss and confer with their classmates; and read, write, discuss, report, and share ideas and learning. Gradually, they advance their English knowledge, expanding their social and academic language repertoires and refining their control of grammar, pronunciation, spelling, and mechanics. Ideally, they use their growing academic, linguistic, and sociocultural competence to make the world a better place"--