Human Communication In Society
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Jess K. Alberts, 2022
ISBN10: n/a ISBN13: 9780136863878
"Human Communication in Society, Sixth Edition, like previous editions, covers the full range of topics addressed in existing textbooks but also introduces some useful innovations. We begin by describing the theoretical foundations of the study of communication, including models of communication and the role of identity and perception in communication. We present the factors of verbal and nonverbal communication, a new chapter on in-person conversation, and a chapter on listening and responding. We then explore communication in various contexts such as culture, close relationships, small groups, and organizations. Ours is the first book to provide comprehensive coverage of rhetoric (Chapter 12), and we devote full chapters to communication and mass media (Chapter 13) and to the continuing important topic of interactive (social) media (Chapter 14). Overall, we discuss the full range of paradigmatic approaches in the field, offering a balance between theory and practice"--