A First Course In Abstract Algebra

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A First Course In Abstract Algebra
John B. Fraleigh, 2020
ISBN10: n/a    ISBN13: 9780135758168

"This is an introduction to abstract algebra. It is anticipated that the students have studied calculus and probably linear algebra. However, these are primarily mathematical maturity prerequisites; subject matter from calculus and linear algebra appears mostly in illustrative examples and exercises. As in previous editions of the text, my aim remains to teach students as much about groups, rings, and fields as I can in a first course. For many students, abstract algebra is their first extended exposure to an axiomatic treatment of mathematics. Recognizing this, I have included extensive explanations concerning what we are trying to accomplish, how we are trying to do it, and why we choose these methods. Mastery of this text constitutes a firm foundation for more specialized work in algebra, and also provides valuable experience for any further axiomatic study of mathematics"--

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