An Introduction To Heraldry

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An Introduction To Heraldry
Peter Floriani, 2014
ISBN10: n/a    ISBN13: 9781500598983

This book gives a brief introduction to heraldry, the art and science of coats of arms, sometimes also called escutcheons or shields. It gives the beginning heraldic artist the basics of the colors, the arrangement of the shield and the complete coat of arms, the shield's geography, ordinaries, and charges, as well as the idea of marshalling by which family heritage is recorded within a coat of arms. A number of outline drawings suitable for copying or coloring are included. The book is written by a Chestertonian, a student of the writings of English writer G. K. Chesterton, and contains a handy collection of relevant excerpts from his writings. It also contains an appendix which discusses the use of heraldry in fiction, demonstrated by shields from the author's Saga, De Bellis Stellarum.

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