Reflect & Relate - An Introduction To Interpersonal Communication
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Steven McCornack, 2021
ISBN10: n/a ISBN13: 9781319395827
Current, inclusive, and authoritative, Reflect & Relate, Sixth Edition, has set the new standard for interpersonal communication texts. Steve McCornack and Kelly Morrison, both distinguished scholars and award-winning teachers, draw on their twenty-five years of classroom experience to connect classic and current communication theory and research to the actual lives of today's students. For the sixth edition, the authors built on their leading gender coverage by partnering with an advisory board of culturally responsive-sustaining pedagogy leaders to create an even more inclusive text that models for and guides students in culturally self-aware and inclusive communication. The revision features over 300 new scholarly citations, and responds to the real and growing interpersonal challenges students currently face: how to form positive relationships to support health and wellness, within increasingly online contexts, and with people who have a variety of backgrounds, abilities, and experiences. Additionally, coverage of mediated communicationits advantages, as well as its challengeshas been thoroughly updated to support students in today's digital world. LaunchPad for Reflect & Relate includes the full e-book along with powerful assessments, a full video library, LearningCurve adaptive quizzing, and Making Relationship Choices video activities to support you and your studentswhether you are teaching face-to-face or online, synchronously or asynchronously.