Thinking Through Aesthetics

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Thinking Through Aesthetics
Marilyn G. Stewart, 1997
ISBN10: n/a    ISBN13: 9780871923622

This new series provides working art educators with accessible guides to significant issues in the field. Developments in art education are consolidated into a clear presentation of what a practicing teacher needs to know. Paramount to the series is the concept of informed practice, whereby important and often complex art education topics are put into the context of the working art teacher and real classroom environments. Concise analysis is put into the context of the working art teacher and real classroom environments. Attention is paid to creating the right classroom climate, and guidelines are offered for group dialogues. A wealth of specific activities for philosophical inquiry are explored, while activities for introducing and practicing skills are likewise analysed and offered for practical classroom implementation. By addressing aesthetics in real teaching terms, Thinking Through Aesthetics delivers needed support for front-line art educators.

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