Helping English Learners To Write - Meeting Common Core Standards, Grades 6-12

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Helping English Learners To Write - Meeting Common Core Standards, Grades 6-12
Carol Booth Olson, 2015
ISBN10: n/a    ISBN13: 9780807756331

Using a rich array of research-based practices, this book will help teachers improve the academic writing of English learners. It provides specific teaching strategies, activities, and extended lessons to develop E Learner students' narrative, informational, and argumentative writing, emphasized in the Common Core State Standards. It also explores the challenges each of these genres pose for English Learners and suggests ways to scaffold instruction to help students become confident and competent academic writers. Showcasing the work of exemplary school teachers who have devoted time and expertise to creating rich learning environments for the secondary classroom Helping English Learners Write includes artifacts and written work produced by students with varying levels of language proficiency as models of what students can accomplish. Each chapter begins with a brief overview and ends with a short summary of the key points.

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