Research Methods In Social Work

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Research Methods In Social Work
ISBN10: 1793507198    ISBN13: n/a

Research Methods in Social Work helps students develop evidence-based practice by involving them in the process of research methodology. An innovative storytelling approach follows two students engaged in internships who go through the steps and tasks required to design a program and evaluate it in their practicum. Readers can see how realistic decisions arise in planning research and the activities necessary to support and conduct a research effort. Students learn the importance of comparison group designs, operationalizing variables, the use of valid and reliable measurements, and how these can affect the obtained results. Specific topics include research ethics, developing questionnaires and instruments, techniques for selecting client and community samples, and evaluating one's practice with single system designs. This edition features a new focus on understanding the statistical procedures, symbols, and findings commonly found in research publications. Instructor and student friendly, it contains self-review questions as well as potential assignments. Research Methods in Social Work prepares students to successfully consume social work research and lays the foundation for those who may want to create research during their academic and professional careers. David Royse is the Joanne I. Bell Professor of Social Policy and Critical Thinking in the College of Social Work at the University of Kentucky. Dr. Royse has an extensive publication record with his work appearing in Children and Youth Services Review, Child Abuse & Neglect, Social Work in Health Care, Journal of Public Child Welfare, among others. He is the author of several methodology books for social workers, including Program Evaluation: An Introduction to an Evidence-based Approach with Bruce Thyer and Deborah Padgett, as well as Child Welfare and Child Protection with Austin Griffiths (Cognella).

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