Disaster Policy And Politics - Emergency Management And Homeland Security
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Richard T. Sylves, 2019
ISBN10: 1506368689 ISBN13: n/a
Disaster Policy and Politics combines evidence-based research with mini- case studies of recent events to demonstrate the fundamental principles of emergency management and to explore the impact that disasters have had on U.S. policy. Paying special attention to the role of key actorsdecision makers at the federal, state, and local levels; scientists; engineers; civil and military personnel; and first respondersauthor Richard Sylves explores how researchers contribute to and engage in disaster policy development and management. The highly anticipated Third Edition explores the radical change in policy and politics after the occurrence of recent disasters such as Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria; Hawaiis false nuclear attack warning; and responses to U.S. wildfires. This books comprehensive all-hazards approach introduces students to the important public policy, organizational management, and leadership issues they may need as future practitioners and leaders in the field.