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Biology 13E Sylvia S. Mader, 2018
ISBN10: 1260092690    ISBN13: n/a

THE MADER/WINDELSPECHT STORY...The thirteenth edition of Biology is a traditional, comprehensive introductory biology textbook, with coverage from Cell Structure and Function to the Conservation of Biodiversity. The book, which centers on the evolution and diversity of organisms, is appropriate for any one- or two-semester biology course.Biology, Thirteenth Edition uses concise, precise writing to present the material as succinctly as possible, enabling students--even non-majors--to master the foundational concepts before coming to class. "Before You Begin", "Following the Themes", and "Thematic Feature Readings" piece together the three major themes of the text--evolution, nature of science, and biological systems. Students are consistently engaged in these themes, revealing the interconnectedness of the major topics in biology.Sylvia Mader is an icon of science education. Her dedication to her students, coupled with her clear, concise writing-style has benefited the education of thousands of students over the past three decades. Author Michael Windelspecht has played a critical role in integrating the trusted Mader series of textbooks with digital assets to improve outcomes for students. For over ten years, Michael served as the Introductory Biology Coordinator at Appalachian State University--a program that enrolls over 4,500 non-science majors annually in online, traditional, and hybrid environments. His current interests are in the analysis of data from digital learning platforms for the development of personalized microlearning assets and next generation publication platforms.

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