Research Methods In Kinesiology

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Research Methods In Kinesiology
Kent C. Kowalski, 2023
ISBN10: 0199037647    ISBN13: n/a

Accessible and thoroughly engaging, Research Methods in Kinesiology offers students comprehensive coverage of quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods research design from a distinctly kinesiological perspective. Written by a team of leading experts in the field and packed with numerous examples throughout of Canadian studies in sport, exercise, health, and physical education, this text gives readers the unique opportunity to learn the process - from determining the research topic, to designing the study, to analyzing and presenting the results - as seen through the eyes of kinesiology researchers in Canada. This updated second edition includes new content on epidemiology, questionnaire design, ethics, and emerging trends in research, such as research in digital communities and digital methodologies.With its skill-building pedagogy - including learning outcomes, key terms, cartoons, discussion questions, and an exciting box program with case study and exercise boxes - Research Methods in Kinesiology helps students gain the practical skills they need to conduct their own research. Professional and research highlight boxes show students the variety of exciting studies being conducted across Canada today, while new "Pathways" boxes that discuss the transition from university to a career. Research Methods in Kinesiology, second edition, is the go-to text for the aspiring researcher in the field of kinesiology.

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