American Constitutionalism - Volume II: Rights And Liberties

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American Constitutionalism - Volume II: Rights And Liberties
Howard Gillman, 2020
ISBN10: 0197527647    ISBN13: n/a

"Constitutionalism in the United States is not determined solely by decisions made by the Supreme Court. Rather, a robust and meaningful understanding of American Constitutionalism requires a consideration of the historical and political context in which the Supreme Court delivers its rulings. With this premise as a point of departure, renowned legal scholars Howard Gillman, Mark A. Graber, and Keith E. Whittington move beyond traditional casebooks and take a refreshingly innovative approach to the study of Constitutional Law in American Constitutionalism Volumes I and II. Organized according to the standard two-semester Constitutional Law sequence, Volume I covers "Structures of Government" and Volume II covers "Rights and Liberties." Moreover, this text is offers a unique approach to its subject matter organizing the material within each volume according to historical era instead of the typical issues-based approach. Given the rapid pace of Supreme Court decisions, the landscape of Constitutionalism in the United States remains dynamic and fluid. As such, the new edition of American Constitutionalism Volumes I and II will include full coverage of major Supreme Court cases, decisions, and their political contexts through 2020, including coverage of the Obama and Trump administrations"--

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