East Asia - Identities And Change In The Modern World, 1700-Present

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R. Keith Schoppa, 2008
ISBN10: 0132431467 ISBN13: n/a
"Like the identities of individuals, identities of cultures and nations are derived from both the nature of the cultures and nations themselves and from the way others perceive them. In 'East Asia : Identities and Change in the Modern World', accomplished historian R. Keith Schoppa uses the prism of cultural identities to examine the four countries that make up the East Asian cultural sphere -- China, Japan, Korea, and Vietnam -- from roughly 1700 to the present. Features : An introductory chapter on identities considers the commonalities and differences among East Asian countries ; brief biographical vignettes "Identities" in each chapter portray the lives of important individuals -- from emperors to assassins ; primary sources, suggested readings, end-of-chapter timelines, and phonetic spellings for key names and places in the text provide useful learning aids."--