Family Stress Management - A Contextual Approach

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Family Stress Management - A Contextual Approach
Pauline Boss, 2016
ISBN10: n/a    ISBN13: 9781506352213

Why do some families survive stressful situations while others fall apart? Can a familys beliefs and values be used as a predictor of vulnerability to stress? And most importantly, can family stress be prevented? The Third Edition of Family Stress Management continues its original commitment to recognize both the external and internal contexts in which distressed families find themselves. With its hallmark Contextual Model of Family Stress (CMFS), the Third Edition provides practitioners and researchers with a useful framework to understand and help distressed individuals, couples, and families. The example of a universal stressora death in the familyhighlights cultural differences in ways of coping. Throughout, there is new emphasis on diversity and the nuances of family stress managementsuch as ambiguous lossplus new discussions on family resilience and community as resources for support.

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