Search Results for: “Impact! A Guide to Business Communication. Tenth


Management (10th Edition): Stephen P. Robbins, Mary Coulter

…eory from countless managers on their greatest challenges and success. The tenth edition of the new features is further integrated into the text of the real experience of managers, to help students understand more clearly as a manager is how the same thing. For undergraduate principles of management courses. Market Ombudsman: Williams, 5E, 2009, Cengage; stupid, management, 8E, 2008, Cengage; drawn Management, 9E, 2008, Cengage; Hellreigel managem…Read More

Fundamentals of Corporate Finance Standard Edition (Mcgraw-Hill/Irwin Series in Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate): Stephen Ross, Randolph Westerfield, Bradford Jordan

…s decision makers, and stressed the need to manage input and judgment. The tenth edition continues the tradition of excellent, won a corporate finance basis, its position as a market leader. Each chapter has been updated to provide the latest examples reflect the corporate financial world today. Supplement package has been updated and improved, with enhanced financial and Excel masters, students and teachers support has never been str <a*VÄLILYÖNT…Read More

Operations Management (Operations and Decision Sciences): William Stevenson

…roblems, short, enterprises are facing the problem, and automatically grade chapter problems and application-oriented allocation available connection readings, students learn as learning by doing, the tenth edition continues to provide more support to “do business” than any Read More

Principles of Corporate Finance (Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate): Richard Brealey, Stewart Myers, Franklin Allen

…rs show how to manage the use of financial theory to solve practical problems, not just how to respond to change, but the behavior of the company and management, as their reasons for doing so. This text is a great reference value thousands of practicing financial managers. Tenth Edition has been rewritten, refreshed, and fully updated to reflect the recent financial crisis and is now accompanied by Finance, an exciting new job management s <a*VÄLI…Read More

Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management (with Thomson ONE – Business School Edition and Stock-Trak Coupon): Frank K. Reilly, Keith C. Brown

…78-0,538,482,387 Edition: 10 Investment analysis and portfolio management, Tenth Edition, teaches readers how to manage their own money, to get the maximum benefit from their income. Choice from the asset allocation of the investment in the global market, this book give the reader a solid foundation, personal finance, and professionals across the country, organizations, and schools are widely use the same tools. Filled with real-world illustration…Read More

Strategic Management Theory: An Integrated Approach: Charles W. L. Hill, Gareth R. Jones

…g corporate performance, governance, strategic leadership, technology, and business ethics through theory and case studies. Based on the real-world practice and current thinking of the field of strategic management function, the tenth edition greater emphasis on the changing global economy and its role in strategic manag <a href= target=_blank*VÄLILYÖ…Read More

Communicating Effectively: Saundra Hybels, Richard Weaver II

…73,534,331 ISBN-13 :978-0,073,534,336 Edition: 10 Effective communication, Tenth Edition, introduces the basic theory of communication and skill-building practice provides a lot of opportunities. From the classroom, the workplace and the community, with a pragmatic approach with numerous examples, students will learn to appreciate the ideas, concepts and theories, people close to their own life and the lives of actual applic <a href=htt…Read More

Intermediate Financial Management (with Thomson ONE – Business School Edition 6-Month Printed Access Card): Eugene F. Brigham, Phillip R. Daves

…ment today make clear through the book reader-friendly manner, timely real business case for integrated case, and Excel spreadsheet model. comprehensive support package to reduce the preparation time access THOMSON ONE-BUSINESS SCHOOL Edition, financial online database Wall Street professionals trust ever <a href= target=_blank rel=”nofollo…Read More

Law, Business and Society: Tony McAdams: 9780073525006

…n the law! Tony McAdams discusses the role of the legal, business, and the tenth edition of the social market, ethical / social responsibility, and the law in the complex relations between regulating businesses and society as a whole. Mike Adams visits the market and ethical / social responsibility have failed, government intervention is necessary to maintain a healthy business practices and the general welfare of society the relationship between….Read More

Essentials of Human Anatomy & Physiology with MasteringA&P, 10th Edition (9780321799999): Elaine N. Marieb

…011 | ISBN-10: 0321799992 ISBN-13 :978-0321799999 | Version: 10 Now in its tenth edition, human anatomy and physiology points, continues to set the standard short-course A & P text. It was significantly updated art program, more streamlined presentation materials, and integration of chapter goals will help you to better observe and understand the structure and function of the human body. Elaine Marieb’s clear and friendly writing style emphasizes…Read More