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Twentieth-century world
Carter V. Findley, 2011

ISBN10: n/a    ISBN13: 9780547218502

In the exciting new Seventh Edition, Findley and Rothney's best-selling TWENTIETH-CENTURY WORLD thoroughly covers recent world history by focusing on themes of global interrelatedness, identity and difference, the rise of mass society, and technology versus nature. Outlined in the book's introduction, these themes help readers effectively place historical events in a larger context. Integrating the latest dramatic phases in world history, the Seventh Edition has been extensively revised and updated, especially the period since 1945. The two chapters on Superpowers, Europe, and the Cold War have been completely rewritten. The text also takes a more in-depth look at the economic growth of India and China, recent developments of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the impact of the global financial crash, the latest in the war on terror, new international environmental initiatives, and more. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.

Families as They Really Are: Barbara J. Risman: 9780393932782

…and theory from an interdisciplinary expert community, the family, is a new contribution. Four-part family, because they are really focused on our relationship of how things went today, in the 21st century, the country of the gender revolution youth. Read More

Smart Thinking: Three Essential Keys to Solve Problems, Innovate, and Get Things Done: Art Markman: 9780399537226

…s of interdisciplinary research in cognitive science and drawing on a half-century, the first book of the smart thinking reveals three-part formula different from the the smart thinking innate intelligence and memory, learning how to effectively and how to use knowledge, when you need to get things done. The difference between the self-definition of smart thinking and congenital or raw intelligence, cognitive psychologist Art Markman, indicate how…Read More

An Introduction to the History of Psychology: B. R. Hergenhahn: 9780495506218

…pirits,” and psychology was officially recognized as “science” in the 19th century. In this fifth edition, BR Hergenhahn, contemporary psychologists concern the performance of the theme has been part of the psychology of hundreds or even thousands of years. Many pictures of the book and teaching equipment, along with a key figure in the biographical material, psychological, will attract you to help you understand each ch <a href=…Read More

Leviathan: With Selected Variants from the Latin Edition of 1668: Thomas Hobbes, Edwin Curley: 9780872201774

…annotation capabilities, no other versions of inclusiveness, With historical and explanations, the Chinese version of the 1651 most significant significant variants between the Latin version of the 1668. The terms of the 17th century British and indicators, themes and Bible passages glossary help the most thoughtful idea of “Levia Read More

The Principles of Learning and Behavior: Active Learning Edition (Sixth Edition): Michael P. Domjan: 9780495601999

…e basic forms of learning, the focus of the study is more in the twentieth century. This book covers the habitual, classical conditioning, the instrument air conditioning, stimulus control, aversion to control, and its application to the study of cognitive and behavioral problems mitigate. Biological learning constraints integrated throughout the text, the application box, the animal studies to human learning and behavior. This book closely reflec…Read More

Civilization and Its Discontents (Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud): Sigmund Freud, James Strachey, Christopher Hitchens, Peter Gay: 9780393304510

…ISBN-13 :978-0393304510 | Version: Reserved Cultural ideology of the 20th century, Freud’s semen volume in psychoanalytic theory-based, by Christopher Hitchens now with a new introduction. Wrote a decade ago, Freud’s death, may be his most famous and the most brilliant civilization and its discontents. It has been praised, dissected, lambasted, interpretation and re-interpretation. Originally published in 1930, it seeks to answer the following qu…Read More

Humanity: An Introduction to Cultural Anthropology: James Peoples, Garrick Bailey: 9781111301521

…pation of this book looked at the many challenges facing the world in this century narrative provides new ways. As you explore more contemporary issues, including same-sex marriage debate, cultural and economic globalization, population growth, hunger, and the survival of indigenous culture, you will gain a better understanding of cultural information to successfully navigate in today’s global economy. The authors emphasize the diversity of humani…Read More

Marriages and Families Census Update (7th Edition): Nijole V. Benokraitis: 9780205006731

…prehensive introduction to many issues facing families in the twenty-first century. The text’s major theme, “Changes, Choices, and Constraints,” explores: contemporary changes in families and their structure, impacts on the choices available to family members, and constraints that often limit our choices. Through this approach, students are better able to understand what the research and statistics mean for themselves. Marriages and Families, Cens…Read More

Communication Mosaics: An Introduction to the Field of Communication: Julia T. Wood: 9780495794158

…nds, you need to become a more effective communication. Jump to the dynamic world of communication and communication MOSAICS: introduce the field of communication in the twenty-first century, the sixth ed Read More

Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking (9780307352156): Susan Cain

…nderestimated, and doing so we lost. Her chart the rise of the entire 20th century, outgoing ideal, and to explore how deeply penetrated into our culture has to. She also told us about the success, introverted person, from a witty, high-octane public speaker charging after the talks, in solitude, a record-breaking salesman quietly click to the power problem. The passion that the high-end research, and filled with indelible stories, real people, qu…Read More