…rational management of the three changes: 1. Focus on a focus on the supply chain from the internal system 2. From a local focus to become a global focus 3. Emphasis from the systems, people and processes, tools and tech …Read More
Search Results for: "Operations Management: Creating Value Along the S
Operations management - creating value along the supply chain
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Roberta S. Russell, 2011
ISBN10: n/a ISBN13: 9780470525906
International Logistics: Management of International Trade Operations (with Make the Grade Printed Access Card): Pierre A. David, Richard D. Stewart: 9781111464981
…or import goods, or otherwise participate in the international trade business. All relevant issues thoroughly explained, including documentation, method of payment, trade (Incoterms Rules for the Interpretation), exchange rate risk, international insurance, customs clearance, commodity inspection, agents and distribution contracts, packaging, transportation and security i <a href=http://pdfgrab.com/dl_file?file=SW50ZXJuYXRpb25hbCBMb2dpc…Read More
The Practice of Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy: Creating Connection (Basic Principles Into Practice Series): Susan M. Johnson: 9780415945684
…in practice emotional centralized treatment therapist. Second edition addresses many of the couples therapy field changes, including the latest research findings and clinical interventions using EFT, resolve depression and post-traumatic stress disorder and new information. A new one introduced in couples therapy, the correlation between the growth of the whole field of mental health, along with coverage of the nature of the marital crisis of rece…Read More
Statistical Techniques in Business and Economics (Mcgraw-Hill/Irwin Series Operations and Decision Sciences): Douglas Lind, William Marchal, Samuel Wathen
…nd explain the use of the concept of freedom, through the example of business-centric world university students. Referred to as “student text, the Lind of learning and teaching methods, including self-evaluation, cumulative exercises, and coverage of software applications, including for Excel Excel, Minitab and MegaStat. The new 15th edition is more emphasis on data and interpretation of the results and supports Lind’s student-centered, step-by-st…Read More
Principles of Operations Management (8th Edition): Jay Heizer, Barry Render
…ow”>Free PDF Download Publication Date: February 5, 2010 | ISBN-10: 0136114466 ISBN-13 :978-0,136,114,468 Edition: 8 Management principles in a realistic and pragmatic attitude, a broad introduction to the field of business, at the same time provide the market’s largest and most diverse pro …Read More
Creating a Lean Culture: Tools to Sustain Lean Conversions, Second Edition: David Mann
This modern version of the classic new and revised provides an important piece of lean transformation that will make a dynamic continuous success. It shows you how to implement a change, all stakeholders involved in the process of cultural development can not fail, and investment in the outcome, there will be. It will teach you how to build success from the top-down and bottom-up. If you are a leader at any level in the organization to accept or…Read More
The Understanding by Design Guide to Creating High-Quality Units: Grant Wiggins, Jay McTighe
…rilling design seminar, including similar functional components * The discussion and explanation of the key ideas in the module; Guidance exercises, worksheets, and design skills; * Unit design examples; * Review the standard prompt self-assessment; * A list of resources for more information. The purpose of this guide is K 16 education, whether individuals or groups may have received some training UBD and hope to continue their work independently;…Read More
Game Design Workshop, Second Edition: A Playcentric Approach to Creating Innovative Games (Gama Network Series) (9780240809748): Tracy Fullerton
…o game production, so you can develop an understanding of the game design essentials. Product Features: * Design interactive media program at the University of Southern California, plans to finance part of the state-of-the-art electronic art. * Hands-on exercises demonstrate key concepts and design methods, * The industry’s top game designers, including 诺亚法尔斯坦, American McGee, Peter Molyneux’s revelation <a href=http://pdfgrab.com/dl_fi…Read More
Applied Statistics in Business and Economics (The Mcgraw-Hill/Irwin Series, Operations and Decision Sciences) (9780073373690): David Doane, Lori Seward
…ry 1, 2010 ISBN-10: 0,073,373,699 ISBN-13 :978-0073373690 Edition: 3 Business and Economics, Applied Statistics concepts and applications in business and economic statistics 3rd edition provides a comprehensive introduction. Text and online supplemental stressed thinking about data, select the appropriate data analysis tools, and effective use of computers. Authors demonstrate easily mastered software technology used general-purpose software. <a*V…Read More
Plug In with Nik: A Photographer’s Guide to Creating Dynamic Images with Nik Software: John Batdorff: 9780321839770
…advantage of the full power Nik plug-in suites with exquisite guide. Professional photographer John Batdorff easy to handle and enhance landscape, portrait or streetscape with Nick instructions from start to finish. The Nik Software Complete Works Dfine, Viveza, HDR Efex Pro, Color Efex Pro, Silver Efex Pro, and grinders professional to provide you accurate and natural enhancements without complicated selections or masks. John include each plug-i…Read More