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Operations management - creating value along the supply chain

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Operations management - creating value along the supply chain
Roberta S. Russell, 2011
ISBN10: n/a    ISBN13: 9780470525906

Best Business Practices for Photographers, Second Edition: John Harrington: 9781435454293

…3 :978-1435454293 Edition: 2 As a photographer for a follow-up to the successful and critically acclaimed “Best Practices”, updated and expanded to provide more comprehensive guidance to achieve financial success and personal satisfaction as a photographer in your business . In this new version, including your work permit, a freelancer from a photographer’s career, the survival of the IRS audit, as well as more chapters. This book includes best pr…Read More

Business Driven Information Systems: Paige Baltzan

…3376825 ISBN-13 :978-0073376820 Edition: 3 Overview The story of the business-driven information systems: business-driven information system first discuss how various business plans and technical support for the second of these initiatives. The premise of this unique approach is a business plan for promoting technology selection. Every discussion to solve business needs, and technical support to meet those needs. In this paper, based on the studen…Read More

Corporate Finance: Stephen Ross

…0,073,382,337 ISBN-13 :978-0,073,382,333 | Version: 9 Corporate finance, Ross, West Xiefei Jiang stressed the basic principles of modern financial theory, while providing a modern example of the theory to life. The author’s goal is to present corporate finance operations, a small amount of a comprehensive and powerful intuition, rather than a collection of unrelated topics. The development of the core concepts of modern finance: arbitrage, net pre…Read More

The Legal and Regulatory Environment of Business: O. Lee Reed, Marisa Pagnattaro, Daniel Cahoy, Peter Shedd, Jere Morehead

the first edition of Bob Corley legal and regulatory environment of business, launched a focus in the legal environment for operations. Understand the public nature of student learning, the Government is how to provide for business activities, rather than simply how the importance of private transactions, the University moving away from the traditional commercial law. 15 version, the legal and regulatory environment of Reed Business has been a le…Read More

Financial & Managerial Accounting (3rd Edition): Charles T. Horngren, Walter T. Harrison Jr., M. Suzanne Oliver

…r the teachers and students is a reliable choice. Accounting and the business environment; adjustment process of recording business transactions, to complete the accounting cycle; procurement operations, merchandise inventory; internal control and cash, receivables; plant assets and intangible assets, current liabilities and long-term liabilities of the wage, bonds payable liabilities on the balance sheet; company, paid-in capital and balance shee…Read More

Accounting (9th Edition): Charles T. Horngren, Walter T. Harrison Jr., M. Suzanne Oliver

…ed the MyAccountingLab accounting for ISBN0132785862. Accounting and business environment; adjustment process of recording business transactions, to complete the accounting cycle; procurement operations, merchandise inventory; internal control and cash, receivables; plant assets and intangible assets, current liabilities and payroll;’s long-term, Liabillities, due to bonds and liabilities in the balance sheet of the company, paid-in capital and ba…Read More

Subsea Engineering Handbook (9780123978042): Yong Bai, Qiang Bai

…s water depth, weather conditions, currents, equipment reliability and accessibility, to name a few. A clear reference design, analysis, and instilling offshore structural engineer, underwater structural engineering Manual provides expert guidance of key process, technology and equipment, including modern marine structures. Written in a clear and easy-to-understand language, this book is based on the experience of 30 years in the design of marine…Read More

The Six Sigma Handbook, Third Edition: Thomas Pyzdek, Paul Keller

…ISBN-10: 0,071,623,388 ISBN-13 :978-0071623384 Edition: 3 Authoritative classic – today’s Six Sigma practitioners revised and updated Whether you want to further training of six sigma, black or green belt, or you are completely new quality management strategy, you need reliable guidance. The Six Sigma Handbook (third edition) will tell you, step by step, how to make money included in the company’s culture. Six Sigma trainer, co-authored the the co…Read More

Engineering Economy (9th Edition): Gerald J. Thuesen, W.J. Fabrycky: 9780130281289

…rsion: 9 This book focuses on the concepts and techniques of analysis, to assess the economic feasibility of engineering systems, projects and decisions proved to be useful. Familiar with the engineers, business and operational feasibility of the design process need to be considered. Chapter topics cover the risks and uncertainties of the economy and the cost of the concept; economic equivalent of interest calculated equivalent involving inflation…Read More

Steam Plant Operation 9th Edition: Everett Woodruff, Herbert Lammers, Thomas Lammers: 9780071667968

…ensive energy plan, the use of all economic sources of energy, including fossil fuels, nuclear energy and the importance of renewable energy. The book describes the wind, solar, biomass, these renewable resources for the benefits and challenges of producing reliable, cost-effective power. Even with these new technologies, generate about 90 percent of the electricity use of steam as a power source, to emphasize its importance, now and in the future…Read More