Search Results for: "Netter’s Atlas of Anatomy for Speech, Swallowing,

Netter's Atlas Of Anatomy For Speech, Swallowing, And Hearing

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Netter's Atlas Of Anatomy For Speech, Swallowing, And Hearing
David H. McFarland, 2009
ISBN10: n/a    ISBN13: 9780323056564

With Dr. Frank Netter's illustrations accompanying essential information on the anatomy and physiology relevant to speech, language, and hearing (SLH), this reference provides focused discussions of the anatomical and functional bases of normal speech, swallowing and hearing.

Oral Pathology for the Dental Hygienist, 5e (ORAL PATHOLOGY FOR THE DENTAL HYGIENIST ( IBSEN)): Olga A. C. Ibsen RDH MS, Joan Andersen Phelan DDS: 9781416049913

…rance of normal and disease states. This user-friendly on the basis of the Atlas-style text features 500 illustrations (more than 350 full-color), including clinical photographs, X-rays, photomicrographs and line graph, with case studies, review questions, and stories OZP. Learning tools and updated content of this text, so your course and exam preparation, as well as a reliable reference consult your entire career in valuable resources. The compa…Read More

Biological Anthropology (3rd Edition) (9780205150687): Craig Stanford, John S. Allen, Susan C. Anton

…d practice courses in biological anthropology: an introductory course, our Atlas anthropology workbook and lab manual. (Both can be encapsulated in a significant discount!) The Note: MyAnthroLab does not come automatically packaging of this text. To purchase MyAnthroLab, please visit: or you can purchase a valuepack text + MyAnthroLab (no additional cost): VP ISBN-10: 0,205,179,304 / VP ISBN-13: 9,780,205,179,305 Sho <a*VÄLILYÖ…Read More

Research Methods for the Behavioral Sciences (9781111342258): Frederick J Gravetter, Lori-Ann B. Forzano

…move to select measures and participants, and provides a research strategy and design checks. This step-by-step approach emphasizes the researchers must make the decision in each stage of the process. Of avoiding the application of the concept of “recipes” connected with the fact of terms, their speech book style, topic discussion and interpretation of the text to emphasize to students. Each chapter ends with a set of student exercises and activi…Read More

Statistical Methods for the Social Sciences (4th Edition): Alan Agresti, Barbara Finlay

…contains enough material, two-semester course sequence. These sequences usually require students in sociology, political science and psychology, social science professional. Students in geography, anthropology, journalism, speech and sometimes need to take at least one statistics show, of c Read More

The Understanding by Design Guide to Creating High-Quality Units: Grant Wiggins, Jay McTighe

…Units to create, plan, adapt than ever easier with the the accompanying downloadable resources, including underbalanced drilling template set to fillable PDF forms, examples of other worksheets, and FAQs module keynote speech, underbalanced drilling novice and veterans alike. Sho Read More

Dynamic Business Law: Nancy Kubasek, M. Neil Browne, Andrea Giampetro-Meyer, Linda Barkacs, Dan Herron, Carrie Williamson, Lucien Dhooge

…s, including the hypothetical moral dilemmas, the coach will be applied to speech. Lecturer Video DVD (ISBN: 0077339118,13 digit: 9780077339111): tutors Video DVD contains video clips from CBS, highlighting the current legal issues. OLC, mentor Note insight into how the segment into the classroom, and provide issues to stimulate discussion. These films also have some premium content – online / hybrid teaching a big advantage. Sho <a hre…Read More

Managerial Economics: William F. Samuelson, Stephen G. Marks

…mprove existing content and integrate more of this content in whole. The largest part of the interface between the public and private. Text theory throughout this makes it easier to obtain a wide range of real-world applications. Speech to start simple and gradually applied to more and more challenging applica <a href= target=_blank rel=”no…Read More

Articulatory and Phonological Impairments: A Clinical Focus (4th Edition) (Allyn & Bacon Communication Sciences and Disorders): Jacqueline Bauman-Waengler: 9780132563567

…SBN-10: 0132563568 ISBN-13 :978-0,132,563,567 Edition: 4 Pronunciation and speech disorders, 4 / E for readers comprehensive coverage of a wide range of concepts, with a strong clinical emphasis and a variety of useful learning aids, makes it an ideal guide to understand the articulation and phonology important issues. Takes the reader to the concept from theory to clinical practice in many specific examples of a readable work, continue to strengt…Read More

The Child Psychotherapy Treatment Planner (Practice Planners): Arthur E. Jongsma Jr., L. Mark Peterson, William P. McInnis, Timothy J. Bruce: 9780471785354

…milies, children of divorce, ADHD, attachment disorder, academic problems, speech and language disorder. Clinicians with adult clients will find this latest revision of a very valuable resource. Related Media Amazon Video What attracted you mental? 01:20 Practice Planners series What surprised you? 01:12 What is the history of Practice Planners series? 02:58 Can you give us a brief introduction about the Practice Planners series? 0:57 <a*VÄLILYÖNT…Read More

Constitutional Law, 17th (University Casebook): Kathleen M. Sullivan, Gerald Gunther: 9781599417523

…eparation of powers, federalism, due process, equal protection, freedom of speech and freedom of religion. Law as a species, and it is emphasized that the purpose of constitutional law is to allow students to use it to practice constitutional law lawyer. It also aims to illuminate the context of the history, theory and philosophy, and bear the Constitution and notification practices. The 17th edition thoroughly revised, updated and simplified this…Read More