…13 :978-0,324,588,002 Edition: 8 This cost-effective workbook / textbook / manual business communication provides a simplified method, including comprehensive network resources and unparalleled author support for teachers and students. Essentials provides four-in-one learning programs: (1) authoritative text, (2) practical workbook, (3) since grammar teaching / mechanical manual, and (4) premium Web site (www.meguffey.com). Especially effective ou…Read More
Search Results for: "Entrepreneurship and Effective Small Business Man
The Functional Art: An introduction to information graphics and visualization (Voices That Matter) (9780321834737): Alberto Cairo
…o use color, type, and other graphical tools to make your information more effective graphics not only look better How our brains perceive and remember information science • best practices for creating interactive information graphics • the overall success of information graphics creative process behind • inspiring work by the world’s top designers and visual artists gallery DVD-ROM: In this introductory video course information graphics, Alberto…Read More
Fundamentals of Multinational Finance (4th Edition): Michael H. Moffett, Arthur I. Stonehill, David K. Eiteman
…Grounded concept of background lighting of case studies and real world examples, the multinational financial basis of the basic concept and the tools necessary to achieve an effective global financial management strategy, the reader familiar. This version includes many new financial management challenges faced by today’s business leaders, and also to provide readers with a streamlined text directly important con <a href=http://pdfgrab.c…Read More
Organizational Behavior: Don Hellriegel, John W. Slocum
…ocum Organizational Behavior, 13E equipped readers become high performance managers in today’s business world. Readers get a solid foundation, based organizational behavior with this ability. Maximize student assessment within their personal capacity, because the most important success – they learn to master seven core managerial competencies to manage self, ethics, communication, diversity, cross-cultural team and change the context, today’s orga…Read More
Financial Statement Analysis: K. R. Subramanyam, John Wild
…10 Financial statement analysis, 10E, stressed that the company effective business analysis and decision-making, analysts, investors, regulators and other stakeholders. Continues to set the standard, the financial statements of the students the key effective analysis. The establishment of this textbook, is a three-part framework which makes this textbook one of the best-selling books on the market. It began with an overview of the accounting anal…Read More
User Stories Applied: For Agile Software Development (9780321205681): Mike Cohn
…ribes user stories and demonstrates how this can be used to properly plan, manage, and test software development projects. This book emphasizes the realization of the concept of successful and unsuccessful, and provides a series of questions and exercises to drive home the points. Absorbed lessons in this book, the reader will be able to introduce user stories, an effective tool in the software applications it is necessary for their organization’s…Read More
Brooks/Cole Empowerment Series: Direct Social Work Practice: Dean H. Hepworth, Ronald H. Rooney, Glenda Dewberry Rooney, Kim Strom-Gottfried: 9780840028648
…th edition of the direct social work practice theory and skills to prepare effective real-world practice. Packed Case, illustrations, and effective learning experience from the author as well as other social workers, this book integrates the major direct social work theory and skills of practitioners, need to understand and master, has won the reputation of the book the classic source for helping students learn direct practice skills. In addition,…Read More
Statistical Analysis: Microsoft Excel 2010: Conrad Carlberg: 9780789747204
…es to help you choose the right technology for every problem, and the most effective use of Excel’s statistical functions, including consistency. Along the way, you will find the most effective way to use correlation analysis and regression analysis of variance and covariance. You will see how to use Excel to test statistical hypotheses using the normal, binomial, T distribution and F distribution. Become expert with Excel statistics has never bee…Read More
Using Financial Accounting Information: The Alternative to Debits and Credits / Edition 9: Gary A. Porter, Curtis L. Norton: 1285183231: 9781285183237
…inciples. USING FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING INFORMATION, 9E will help students learn and understand core accounting rules. It also will give them a framework through which they can apply their knowledge to make effective business decisions. …Read More
Teach Like a Champion: 49 Techniques that Put Students on the Path to College (K-12): Doug Lemov, Norman Atkins
…:978-0470550472 Edition: 1 Teach like a champion in the classroom, provide effective teaching techniques to help teachers, especially those in their first few years, become champions. These powerful techniques are concrete, specific, and it is easy to put into action, the very next day. Training activities at the end of each chapter, to help readers learn more about the idea reflected in their own practice and application. <a href=http:…Read More