Family Law For The Paralegal - Concepts And Applications
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Mary Wilson, 2016
ISBN10: n/a ISBN13: 9780133779714
For courses in Family Law. An engaging approach to family law practice and procedure. Family Law for the Paralegal: Concepts and Applications provides a thorough introduction to the basics of family law and procedure, addressing all key areas most commonly encountered in a family law practice. While the overall approach of the text is generic, each chapter provides opportunities for students to consider major topics through the lens of individual jurisdictions and cases. The Third Edition offers an up- to-date perspective on family law. Highlights include coverage of the impact of marriage equality on areas such as parenting and custody and descriptions of ways in which the Internet has revolutionized adoption, discovery, and family violence. Designed for paralegal students who desire an interesting and readable text on family law, the book covers all phases of legal representation from initial client contact through trial. It promotes development of a strong knowledge base and practical skill sets which enhance job performance when students transition into the workforce.