comprehensive review kind of
Each question has a correct answer, all in response to a reason, and test-taking strategies to help you develop the technology to find the right response.
Each of these issues, including the the the Elsevier textbook reference page, and in order to further study and discussion.
Include all alternative project format, multiple response, first, fill the blank in this regard, drawing / illustration, chart / exhibitions and audio problems, as you prepare a variety type of NCLEX -RN exam.
The care content regional organizations provides a logical, effective review of the entire nursing program.
The principal terms of the provisions of the pyramid, in the beginning of the main unit or chapter.
NCLEX-RN examination of pyramid points ready, the highlight of each chapter.
Successful part of the pyramid Overview of the main unit or chapter and the latest NCLEX-RN examination test plan.
Pharmacology 13 pharmacology chapters, drugs and intravenous calculation chapter, and a pediatric dose calculation chapter emphasizes reflect this priority content NCLEX exam.
The introductory chapters cover ready NCLEX-RN exam, test-taking strategies, the NCLEX-RN exam from a student’s point of view, and foreign-educated nurses transition issues.
A comprehensive examination, including the 265 questions, covering all the contents of the book and mirror the percentage of the NCLEX-RN examination test plan to determine.
The companion CD tests, study or exam mode of practice, the selection of the content area, integrated process, category of customer needs, or alternative project format type.
Under the NCLEX-RN examination test plan, in April 2010, a comprehensive update content.
Total for 4500 to ensure you fully prepared NCLEX-RN examination covered.
Physical assessment of a new chapter, stressed that a key part of the the NCLEX exam physical examination and health history often encountered.
These new types of experience with audio and video on the companion CD before the exam.
Unique! Include a brief review of the audio CD, the three core areas of pharmacology, fluids and electrolytes, acid-base balance.
To expand the coverage of priority, delegation, and nursing leadership and management provides important information in these growing areas of nursing.
Unique! Priority care operation box summarizes and explains the clinical emergency situation, immediate action is needed, including a detailed theoretical basis and reference textbooks, in the case of clinical and experimental, help strengthen your skills.
Pyramids alert box to highlight the important concepts of care is the most commonly used test to help you focus on the content of the NCLEX exam.
Automatic software update CD can easily check the entire life cycle of change and the updated version.
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