Publication Date: June 15, 2012 ISBN-10: 1,455,703,796 ISBN-13 :978-1,455,703,791 Edition: 5
Get everything you need from a trusted source review NCLEX-PN exam! This unique, best-selling review and guidelines for the preparation of core content review, practice questions, a comprehensive basic principles and detailed NCLEX experts said to himself: the perfect test-taking strategies Linda Silvestri combination. This new version features updated to reflect the latest NCLEX-PN test plan, more than 4,200 high-quality review questions in the book on the companion Evolve website to help you improve your understanding of all important NCLEX-PN content area.
More than 4,200 practice questions in the development of the text and companion website provide ample testing practice in both print and electronic formats – more than 500 of the last edition!
15 pharmacology chapters focus on solving the problem NCLEX-PN exam pharmacology.
Hundreds of alternative the project formats – including multiple responses, the command response, fill in this blank, figures, charts / exhibition, audio, graphics options and video – are you ready NCLEX-PN test plan Add-ons.
Pyramid point identification, usually appear in the content of the NCLEX-PN Test Plan.
Pyramid of success section provides an overview of the chapter, guidance, focus on what kind of content, its relative importance to the NCLEX-PN test plan.
Comprehensive examination, including all content areas of the NCLEX-PN test plan to determine the percentage of the book and representatives of 85 issues.
Content and issues, updated to reflect the latest NCLEX-PN test plan.
The new full-color design, making the learning experience more visually appealing.
Priority care operation box summarizes and explains the clinical emergency situation, immediate action is needed, including a detailed theoretical basis and reference textbooks, in the case of clinical and experimental, help strengthen your skills.
The pyramid warning box to strengthen the learning of important content, frequently tested NCLEX-PN exam.
New video and graphics options, you are familiar with all alternative entry format type.
Emphasis on physical examination and health history, a new chapter of the physical assessment of the adult client often encounter a critical component of the NCLEX-PN ® examination.
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