Publication Date: April 26, 2011 ISBN-10: 0,470,584,734 ISBN-13 :978-0470584736 Edition: 2
Comprehensive revision of the rooms indoor home interior design
Residential Interior Design, Second Edition teaches interior space planning, remodeling the new building basic skills for all types of families, regardless of decorative styles. Step-by-step approach, this valuable primer reviews all aspects of the internal structure, as it relates to human factors and daily use.
Author: the Molin Mi Leighton and Courtney Nystuen explore the minimal amount necessary room to effectively play the role of space, from the kitchen to the bathroom, bedroom, hallway, between each room. Packed with hundreds of drawings and photographs, this valuable tool, filled with useful information code, mechanical and electrical systems, to create a wheelchair accessible space key, and a variety of other factors, the impact of various types of rooms and the corresponding space. Now, a companion Web site with the lecturer resource features, this new version is:
Revised and updated, the new building code information and extended information about sustainable development, construction, doors, windows, home office, and outdoor space
Illustrated throughout line drawings and photographs, clearly explain concepts involved
NCIDQ examination of the perfect learning aids
The focus on design quality rather than quantity of space, Residential Interior Design, Second Edition is equally efficient and attractive rooms designed.
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