Publication Date: October 18,2009 | ISBN-10: 0135125413 ISBN-13 :978-0135125410 | version: 5
Residential Energy introduces the reader to a family of energy-related components, and explains all important energy conservation possibilities. From this special explanatory text, the reader will learn effective energy needs of the entire house, and solve the first one of the largest waste of energy!
This user-friendly handbook covers from basic principles and air leakage, insulation, windows and doors, is a basic text / reference to those who are interested in the design, construction, and operation of energy efficient homes! In addition, each book includes a CD-ROM containing the electronic version of the text!
Ideal for weatherization, energy audits / assessments and general building industry, including carpentry, air conditioning, plumbers, electricians, more programs! Residential energy packed full of the latest information on energy consumption, the analysis of energy costs, as well as other energy audit information.